subjugation of mind

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subjugation of mind
subjugation of mind


subjugation of mind

When a man sets foot on the path of God-realization, the most difficult thing that this disciple finds is to keep the mind under his control.

Only those people can experience it who have done some hard work for it. When we think about keeping our thoughts under our control, then we realize how wild and controlled the mind has always been and how it thinks in every way.

Thoughts on every subject are like waves in the mind, and how all types of thoughts have been the door to options. Seeing this, we feel astonished and at the same time feel ashamed that we have wasted so much precious time in useless thoughts. If we had used that time properly and used it to achieve some desired goal, then undoubtedly we would have become powerful and strong in character.

If we had spent such time in good thoughts and good feelings, our life would have improved, our conscience would have become pure, we would have become influential and our spiritual power would have gained importance.

In our opinion, that is the biggest day in a person’s life when the truth of the above statement sits in his heart.

At first the mind does not want to be controlled. It is like a new calf of a horse, which makes big jumps when put on the reins and tries to run away.

If we want to direct our thoughts in our direction then our main duty is to be patient and keep pulling our fickle and unstable thoughts towards us.

At times we will definitely feel some disappointment and impatience and our mind will want to give up after getting disappointed, but doing so is always going to harm ourselves. The first thing that should be inculcated in the mind is patience. Nothing can be achieved by doing things in a hurry.

Doing the work in a hurry spoils the work and instead of doing the work badly, it is better to do the work slowly and do it successfully.

Therefore, first of all, never try to do much and do not waste time in thoughts, otherwise the mind will get tired without putting it towards it and then it will not be capable of doing the good work that is present in front of you.

The man who has not controlled his mental powers does not really deserve to be called a human being.

The best way to practice this is that if possible, fix some time in the morning and at that very moment start stabilizing the mind, initially only for ten minutes, then up to twenty minutes.

When one or two weeks have passed, increase the time and meditate till noon and in the same way keep increasing the practice of concentrating the mind.

I think it would be better to take one word and concentrate on it. Take the word ‘sympathy’ for example. Consider the beauty of ’empathy’, how much power is latent in it to make others happy. How and when it can be done with others.

Consider its differences in every way. It is possible that while doing this your mind may think of something else.

You think this is very entertaining, now I will think about it, but never make such a mistake.
Turned your mind in the same direction and kept thinking about the same words as you were thinking about earlier.

If you want, pick another word the next morning and then think about what relation that word has to life and nature. Until the qualities of that word enter your life, do not leave it.

You can gradually move from words to principles, and you will quickly realize that you are using the idea of your morning meditation in your daily practice, and it will continue to be used without you even realizing it. This must happen, because when we think seriously about something, it gets spoiled.

I once saw a girl who could write with great difficulty. She was always disrespected in school because of her bad writing and her teachers were fully convinced that her writing could not be improved and the girl herself became disappointed and very sad.

Now, on a holiday, she went to her friend’s place, who, hearing her grief, asked her to tell me how she wanted to write. The girl replied with a sad heart, ‘I don’t know this’. Her friend said, ‘Okay, let the copies go.’ Now you tell me whose writing is beautiful. The girl quickly replied that in my opinion a girl writes very beautifully.

It would be good if I could write like him, but it is impossible. Because my teachers tell me that you can never write beautifully. Her friend said that now you should completely leave aside the talk of your teachers, go through all the notebooks, forget all the sorrows and concentrate your mind towards that beautiful article which you admire so much.

Read its letters again and again and carefully consider the inclination of each letter. Look at what qualities it has, how well shaped and beautiful the letters are. When you pick up your pen to write, think in your mind that this is my ideal, I want to write in its direction.

Think about it several times a day. Thought that you are writing according to him and now think what kind of happiness you will feel when you can write like this. The girl promised that she will definitely do so, because this thing had settled in her heart and she had fallen in love with him very much.

When she came to school after the summer vacation, her writing was better than her teachers. That ideal actually served him as an ideal.

This is a clear example of the power of repeatedly thinking about a subject and the influence of a stable ideal.

The story says that humans live in their higher and lower states according to their higher and lower thoughts.

Their world is as narrow and dark as their thoughts are narrow and dirty. But if the thoughts are generous and good then their work is also big and beautiful. Everything around them gets colored with the colors of those thoughts.

Just as a girl could not write well at first, but as soon as she placed an ideal script in front of her, she learned to write beautifully, in the same way, the soul should also have an ideal character in front of it towards which it should strive to move, if it wants to make some progress.

First we should test our soul strength so that we can know ourselves. The human mind is very serious and knowing oneself is not as easy as it appears at first.

If we want to know even a little about the right to think, then first we should have our own knowledge. Let us dissect our thoughts, take care of our desires and ask ourselves why did we do this and that?

Let us again remember the past day and hour and weigh our every action in the scales. Are we ready to do this? If yes, then we should spend some time every day for self-examination so that we can know what we are and where we are.

Don’t be afraid to shine the full light of truth on your soul, accept whatever you receive at that time.

Remember, to reach the ideal is to know ourselves, to move from what we are to what we want to be. The desire in the soul to attain something is called desire.

Spreading of hands shows the desire to achieve something good and high. Because when the vision is not on the ideal then man is doomed to destruction.

When we come to know through common examination what we are and where we are, then we should fix our ideal and keep it in front of us and move towards it with single mind. Should concentrate. If we keep retaliating daily in this way, we will definitely achieve our ideal, this will be the reward of our efforts.



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