happy birthday for google funny poem

Welcom in kemoj.com happy birthday for google funny poem.

happy birthday for google funny poem
happy birthday for google funny poem


happy birthday for google funny poem


1st poem

Happy birthday, Google, we raise a toast to you,
For all the answers you provide, and all the things you do.

From search results to Google Maps, you help us find our way,
And with Google Translate, we can talk in any language, come what may.

You’ve got a funny name, we have to say,
But we’re glad you’re around, each and every day.

You’re like a best friend we can always rely on,
And we can’t imagine life without you, from dusk till dawn.

So here’s to you, Google, may you continue to thrive,
And make our lives easier, in ways we can’t describe.

Happy birthday once again, may your candles burn bright,
And may you continue to light up our lives, with all your might.



2nd poem

Happy birthday, Google, you’re the search engine king,
You answer all our queries, and do it lightning-quick.

From the latest news to funny cat videos,
You always have something for us, and that’s just how it goes.

You know our likes and dislikes, and our location too,
Sometimes we wonder, “Google, how do you know what to do?”

Your Doodles are so creative, and always make us smile,
And when we need directions, Google Maps goes the extra mile.

You’ve got a sense of humor, that’s for sure,
Remember when we asked you, “What is the meaning of life?” and you replied “42,”
just like in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy lore.

So happy birthday once again, Google, keep on doing your thing,
We’ll keep on searching, and you’ll keep on bringing.


3rd poem

Happy birthday, Google, you’re the one we all adore,
You help us find the answers, and so much more.

From recipes to song lyrics, you know it all,
And when we’re feeling lost, you’re there to catch our fall.

You’ve got autofill that’s sometimes funny, and sometimes strange,
But it’s always helpful, and that’s what’s so great.

You’ve got Google Drive, Docs, and Sheets, so we can work on the go,
And when we’re bored, we can play some games, and let our creativity flow.

You’re like a genie in a lamp, granting our every wish,
And we know you’ll be around for us, when things get tough or when we need to dish.

So here’s to you, Google, on your special day,
May you continue to grow and help us along the way.

And when we need a laugh or a chuckle or two,
We’ll remember your quirks and all the things you can do.



4Th poem

Happy birthday, Google, you’re like a friend we never met,
You know everything about us, from our searches and our pets.

You help us with our homework, and plan our next vacation,
And when we’re feeling down, you give us inspiration.

You’ve got Google Assistant, that’s always ready to lend a hand,
And with Google Home, we can control our lights and fans.

You’ve got a funny logo, that changes with the days,
And with Google Trends, we can see what’s hot and what’s just a craze.

You’re like a wizard of the internet, with magic up your sleeve,
And when we need a pick-me-up, your Google Doodle can always relieve.

So happy birthday once again, dear Google, you’re the best,
And we’ll continue to rely on you, from East Coast to West.



5th Poem

Happy birthday, Google, you’re the star of the show,
We can’t imagine life without you, you’re a pro.

From news to shopping, you make our lives a breeze,
And when we need some trivia, you’re the expert with ease.

You’ve got Google Earth, that shows us the world,
And with Google Images, we can find that flag unfurled.

You’ve got Google Maps, that helps us avoid the traffic,
And with Google Calendar, we can keep our lives systematic.

You’re like a genie in a bottle, that grants our every wish,
And when we need a good laugh, you never miss.

So here’s to you, Google, on your special day,
May you continue to be awesome, in every way.

And when we need some help, we know you’ll always be there,
With your search engine magic, and your quirky Google flair.


6th Poem

Happy birthday, Google, you’re the search engine boss,
You help us find what we need, without any loss.

From directions to recipes, you always come through,
And when we need some laughs, your autofill makes us woo.

You’ve got Google Translate, that speaks every language,
And with Google Meet, we can have a virtual sandwich.

You’ve got a logo that’s funny, and always changing too,
And with Google Trends, we can see what’s popular and new.

You’re like a superhero, with a cape and a mask,
And when we need some advice, you’re up for the task.

So here’s to you, Google, on your special day,
May your search engine stay strong, and your algorithms slay.

And when we need some answers, we know who to call,
Google, our trusted friend, always standing tall.


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